Donate Today!
The Shine Bright Be Fearless award consists of a $250.00 gift card at South Gate Mall. Recipients receive a Shine Bright gift box filled with beautiful SWAG such as Hillberg & Burk sparkle ball earrings, bath bombs, journals, bus passes and heart-warming letter from our SBBF committee.
Donations of any amount are accepted are greatly appreciated! To receive a tax receipt from YWCA, a minimum donation of $50 must be made.
Donations can be made by following the link below. Ensure you have selected Shine Bright Be Fearless as the Designation.
Donate in someones honour or create a third-party fundraising itiniatve! More details below.
Donate In Someone's Honour & Third Party Fundraising
We welcome all third-party donations! They can be either an event or initiative organized by an individual, community group or company that is not an official Shine Bright Be Fearless event.
Follow the donation link and then hit "Tribute Gift" to donate in someones honour or memory!